The Philosopher in Plato’s Politeia
The philosopher is marked by the presence of an indisputable, contemplative dimension of the love of wisdom.
The philosopher is marked by the presence of an indisputable, contemplative dimension of the love of wisdom.
The Inklings expressed interest in ancient mythologies that described the creation of the world through music.
The interpersonal relationship between philosophers is irreplaceable.
In undermining our very human nature, and neglecting our unique ability to seek and come into union with truth, AI will leave us not only uninspired but undignified.
Defenders of ‘the nation’ often fall back on practical issues of scale and power balance, ignoring the Biblical and Platonic tradition that celebrates the diversity of nations as an aesthetic good.
Today, the image of the cave is regarded with suspicion. It seems to call for rule by experts and social engineers, for a tyranny of technocrats: a dubious, if not diabolical, prospect.
Art is meant to elevate us. It provides a mirror through which we see ourselves anew and glimpse the structures of our predicament.
Without the Idea of the Good, Lloyd P. Gerson argues, a person cannot argue coherently against materialism, relativism, skepticism, mechanism, and nominalism.
Kinneging’s book is fundamentally meant to get the reader to read good books again, especially Plato, Aristotle, Augustine, and Aquinas.