The Poverty Ravaging Our Streets
The deluded ranks who jump to the defence of thugs fail to understand that they are guilty of the most damaging class condescension.
The deluded ranks who jump to the defence of thugs fail to understand that they are guilty of the most damaging class condescension.
Adam Smith once told a friend reassuringly, “There is a great deal of ruin in a nation.” He meant that nations have deep reserves that may not be visible in a crisis moment. But just how much ruin is there left in contemporary Britain?
Everything about this case stinks, and if the officers involved are not sacked alongside serious consequences higher up the police food chain, this will be a missed opportunity to get the force back on track.
The minister of the interior chose to resolutely back the forces of law and order and highlighted the massive support they continue to receive from the French people.
The movement, which started in Marseille, is now spreading across the country. “It’s not a movement of anger but rather one of disgust,” a member of an influential police union explains.
Belgian authorities confirmed to The European Conservative that they conducted raids on properties connected to Maria Arena after the Belgian socialist MEP resigned from her post on Parliament’s human rights committee.
The chair of an iconic British retailer said she has “lost count” of the number of times affected branches have been told the police will not respond to thefts.
After six nights of rioting, it would appear that the movement is ebbing slightly. But this apparent return to calm should in no way be seen as a victory because, as in 2005, the fundamental problem still remains.
Rioting in Lille has been a surprisingly multiracial affair as white ultra-left radicals capitalised on the chaos on the streets to pursue a vendetta against the Macronist state while nationalists sit in wait.
Generalised civil discord has seen hundreds of arrests and hundreds of injured police officers.