UK: Mass Immigration Behind Biggest Population Rise in 75 Years
“Reckless politicians” have allowed uncontrolled borders “to fuel a population crisis,” says migration expert.
“Reckless politicians” have allowed uncontrolled borders “to fuel a population crisis,” says migration expert.
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Despite the Brexit mandate for a decisive reversal of mass immigration, the systems introduced following the vote have only made matters worse.
Despite its birth rate sinking to a ten-year low, the population of Germany nevertheless climbed to 84.3 million people in 2022—more people than have ever lived in the country before—as net migration amounted to a record-setting 1.5 million people.
China insists that its “population dividend has not disappeared” because this depends on “quality” as well as quantity.
With the exception of Hungary and Poland, migration continues to be the primary driving force of population growth in most EU member states.
The figures, published earlier this week by Statistik Austria, have revealed that migration was the “exclusive” force that drove the country’s population growth.