Porn Culture Has Our Girls by the Throat
Pornography is normalizing dangerous and degrading sexual behavior.
Pornography is normalizing dangerous and degrading sexual behavior.
I hope Vance will prove to be a leader not merely of consensus, but one with the courage of his convictions.
Ubiquitous porn use has transformed sex, dating, and marriage across the world.
“Who is listening to our girls?”
For many young people, masculinity and femininity are defined by online pornography—with profound and ugly consequences.
The moral corruption of the Vatican elites appears to have reached a new low with the revelations over a 1998 book written by Cardinal Fernández.
“The internet isolates us. It allows us a godlike freedom to curate our sense of reality. Community flourishes when people have to rely not just on themselves but on each other to make sense of life.”
The many crimes committed by the French pornography industry are starting to be brought to justice.
To curb children’s access to pornography, UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has announced the government will do a full review of the country’s laws regarding porn.
Promoting “virtual child pornography” might even decrease the risk of child abuse, the social-liberal D66’s youth organization believes.