“Russia knows that information is a weapon”: An Interview with Alberto Rojas
Moscow spends mountains of money to refute what is happening on the ground in Ukraine.
Moscow spends mountains of money to refute what is happening on the ground in Ukraine.
All the European political groups signed conduct agreement despite key terms being vaguely defined.
Transparency chief on “democracy tour” to fight the ‘undemocratic’ beliefs of a majority of Europeans.
The pair are believed to have posted as many as 300 leaflets across Krakow and Warsaw and had at least 3,000 pieces of pro-Wagner propaganda overall.
Taxpayers will foot the bill for Sánchez’s desperate effort to stay in office.
It has surfaced that certain socialist-party candidates have been involved in a kidnapping plot, electoral fraud, and South American criminal gangs.
The country is also working to pass a “Fake News” bill that would have far-reaching implications for freedom of political speech.
Western Europe is especially bad at spotting foreign propaganda, Ivana Karásková said, urging the EU to adopt its ‘foreign agents law,’ despite the backlash it generated among global, leftist NGOs.
President Vladimir Putin has vowed to “de-Nazify” Ukraine. To understand the Kremlin’s propaganda, we must go back to the Second World War and even earlier.
A group of distinguished interdisciplinary scholars who bridge disparate disciplines of neuroscience, child & adolescent psychiatry, biochemistry, behavioral physiology, and politics & public administration, have lambasted German state television for promoting destructive anti-scientific propaganda to young children.