Top Priority of Wilders Government: Opting Out of EU Migration Pact
The new four-party government in the Hague is heading for a precedent-setting Brussels showdown with Brussels.
The new four-party government in the Hague is heading for a precedent-setting Brussels showdown with Brussels.
Populist PVV expected to increase its number of parliamentary seats from one to seven as a first indication of how the balance of power is shifting to the Right.
Strict migration rules and rollback of Green Deal policies included in coalition program.
Almost 3 months after the populist won election, the country is still in political deadlock. A freshly appointed intermediary has his work cut out for him.
Populist party leader Geert Wilders: We saw this coming—it’s very bad news.
To advance the formation of a new government, Geert Wilders’ PVV party is scrapping proposed legislation calling for a ban on “expressions of Islam,” justified under the notion that Islam, more than just a religion, is a “hostile political ideology bent on conquest.”
To no one’s surprise, the two largest conservative parties are resisting forming a cabinet with Geert Wilders’ eurosceptic PVV party.
The coalition formation talks are expected to be longer and more arduous than what is common even in Dutch politics.
The Dutch populist Right’s historic victory shows just how disconnected the liberal establishment was from the people, although the road to a right-wing coalition government might be a rocky one.
Election forecasters weren’t prepared for the victory because fondness for Wilders is considered ‘distasteful’ by the Dutch ruling class. Backing Wilders is like wearing a red MAGA cap in downtown Manhattan.