“We will not jeopardise this chance to save France from the radical Left”: An Interview with Nicolas Bay
“Success lies in being clear about what is at stake and speaking honestly about how to tackle the issues.”
“Success lies in being clear about what is at stake and speaking honestly about how to tackle the issues.”
Four MEPs split from Zemmour’s Reconquete party, aiming to stay in ECR and not join Marine Le Pen’s ID group.
Personality clashes between Éric Zemmour and Marion Maréchal threaten to undermine right-wing success at the polls.
Snap election leaves all sides calculating how to form the next government amid suspicions Macron is playing a long game.
“We are the only party in France that proposes a true liberation plan for Europeans.”
As in the endless disputes between brothers and sisters, we end up forgetting who started it and who said what.
Even at its nadir, the French capital remains a beacon of liberty—and, paradoxically, a reason for hope in a Western renaissance.
The national-conservative party calls for “unveiling” of the extent of Islamisation of France and Europe.
The addition of the Reconquête party would help the ECR preserve its position as the main national conservative, sovereigntist force in Brussels.
Reconquête candidates are keen to radically differentiate themselves from their competitors on the Right.