Republican Convention: Trump is the Working Man’s President
With convention speakers from all walks of life, Donald Trump shows that conservatism is a working-class ideology.
With convention speakers from all walks of life, Donald Trump shows that conservatism is a working-class ideology.
If the Right does as well in the European elections, American conservatives might find that they have a critical mass of allies in Europe.
Many Republicans have declared Trump the presumptive winner of the Republican primaries. They may have spoken too soon. New Hampshire opened a victory path for Nikki Haley.
Between social values, patriotism, and the economy, U.S. conservatives will have to decide which issues matter most.
Trump’s Iowa victory has reinforced his unshakable position in the headlines.
Trump has consistently refused to take part in the debates, yet still comes out on top.
Once again, the shadow of the one GOP candidate who was not there loomed over the dismal proceedings.
Anti-Trump Republicans accuse the former president of wanting to become America’s dictator. Here are three questions for them to answer.
The unpopular exercise among the non-Trump candidates has been wearying.
The post-Trump Republican party is here.