Notre Dame Reopens: Ancient Glory vs. Modern Disaster
By choosing modernity and ugliness, the re-opening ceremony at Notre Dame was a huge missed opportunity to speak to the greatest number of people.
By choosing modernity and ugliness, the re-opening ceremony at Notre Dame was a huge missed opportunity to speak to the greatest number of people.
Leftists say it breaches the separation of church and state, while the Right criticises the president’s refusal to follow centuries-old customs.
Culture minister ignores heritage commission’s unanimous rejection of plan to replace 19th century windows.
Aragorn, for so long the wandering heir, wins at last and begins the restoration of a world wrecked by evil.
The return of the spire in its original shape is a victory for those who fought to ensure the cathedral’s pre-fire appearance was respected.
There is a real symbolic battle to be fought here, which few politicians dare tackle.
Without the root of prayer, Europe is like a drowning museum and a place of cynical intrigue, but at prayer Europe is in the fight of her life—where darkness and collapse beckon the annihilation of identity. In such times, civilisations require saints.