‘Russiagate’: Police Raids on EU Parliament “Linked to AfD Election Success”
Parliamentary assistant investigated for Russia ties by Brussels authorities
Parliamentary assistant investigated for Russia ties by Brussels authorities
Moscow understands that to destabilise Spain is to destabilise the EU and NATO.
The pair are believed to have posted as many as 300 leaflets across Krakow and Warsaw and had at least 3,000 pieces of pro-Wagner propaganda overall.
An advisory body for the Council of Europe has come out strongly against the law, noting that its approval this close to Poland’s general elections this fall would create an uneven playing field.
The RN dismissed the parliamentary report as a Macronist hit job, as polls show the party to be the primary beneficiary of a backlash against the ruling government in Paris.
“The document treats Moldova as a pliable satellite,” David Kramer, former U.S. Assistant Secretary of State said about Russia’s 10-year plan to regain control over its former republic.
“The destiny of Europe, the fate of Europe, has never rested on politicians, and that should not be the illusion now.”