Patriots Pick Spanish VOX Leader as Party President During First Congress
“The future belongs to patriots,” Abascal said, pledging “a frontal and total response to globalism.”
“The future belongs to patriots,” Abascal said, pledging “a frontal and total response to globalism.”
VOX leader Abascal replied by blasting Spain’s immigration “catastrophe.”
The arrests come as more countries refuse to recognise the disputed presidential election results.
“Encouraging and legalizing illegal migration will have terrible consequences for Spain and the Spanish people.”
The Spanish conservative party kept its word and has moved from co-governance to opposition.
Abascal’s party will be the fifth nation represented in the new populist faction.
Spain’s ‘black market’ in residency registration to access social benefits has been tied to rising sexual assault.
The trends in Europe could benefit VOX, but it must channel voter enthusiasm into ballot-box victories.
Protests against the amnesty law have attracted thousands of participants over the last week.
A second vote will be held Friday but only a miracle can help.