Scotland: The Strange Case of the Missing Nationalism
There is no conservative tradition in Scotland that is not self-consciously anti-nationalist.
There is no conservative tradition in Scotland that is not self-consciously anti-nationalist.
Parents who refuse to let their children ‘transition’ could potentially face seven years in jail.
However, First Minister Humza Yousaf’s offer was not all that it seemed.
High installation costs and poor efficiency in below-freezing temperatures make heat pumps a bad choice for Scotland.
A pro-UK Scottish writer told The European Conservative that the SNP could return to being a “fringe party,” which would have massive implications for Scottish independence.
The measures have been noticed—and mocked—across Europe, where policymakers are busy pursuing the Green Deal.
The case has sparked debate, with some arguing that housing transgender inmates with male genitalia in women’s prisons impinges upon the rights of female prisoners, while others contend that having them serve sentences in all-male prisons amounts to a human rights violation.
Even after Nicola Sturgeon’s resignation as its leader, the Scottish National Party (SNP) still contends with embezzlement allegations naming Scotland’s former First Minister.
The son of first-generation Pakistani immigrants, Yousaf has received criticism for ties to the Muslim Brotherhood despite being on the progressive wing of the party.
Sturgeon is not a Scottish nationalist but a Cultural Marxist, for which the tell-tale sign is an active contempt for traditional society, as expressed in the ‘three Fs’ of faith, flag, and family.