Poll: Scottish Nationalist Party in Free Fall
A pro-UK Scottish writer told The European Conservative that the SNP could return to being a “fringe party,” which would have massive implications for Scottish independence.
A pro-UK Scottish writer told The European Conservative that the SNP could return to being a “fringe party,” which would have massive implications for Scottish independence.
Yousaf will help launch the basis of an independent Scottish diplomatic representation in Brussels this week as he tries to escape from the storm clouds gathering around the SNP at home over recent corruption scandals.
Even after Nicola Sturgeon’s resignation as its leader, the Scottish National Party (SNP) still contends with embezzlement allegations naming Scotland’s former First Minister.
Sturgeon is not a Scottish nationalist but a Cultural Marxist, for which the tell-tale sign is an active contempt for traditional society, as expressed in the ‘three Fs’ of faith, flag, and family.
The poll also reports a 14% decline in Sturgeon’s favorability following her resignation, rising only to 20% among SNP voters.
For Nicola Sturgeon it is another crack at independence, after a previous attempt in 2014 did not bring sufficient votes to leave the Union.