The Cruelty of John Steinbeck
America’s literary icons produced great stories; but their real lives were also cautionary tales.
America’s literary icons produced great stories; but their real lives were also cautionary tales.
Edwards was hospitalised on mental health grounds after he was named as paying a teenage drug addict for sexually explicit pics with the scandal sparking a media spat over UK privacy laws and the future of the BBC.
The fact that he is overseeing the Synod on Synodality has led the world to suppose that the direction it is taking is also what Cardinal Hollerich wants. Possibly, but not necessarily.
Could the women’s desire to visit The Gambia have anything to do with the fact that many young men, desperate and unable to find decent employment, turn to sex tourism to make a living?
The issue of sexual degradation, around which #MeToo centers, has stirred something in the modern woman’s heart and compelled her to come face-to-face with the simple reality that she is the prisoner of a culture obsessed with unbounded sexual freedom.
Employees, who used to have to agree to the Church’s moral code with regard to relationships and intimacy, are now free to follow their own moral convictions, as these are considered “private matters.”
A truly virtuous masculinity would involve men becoming capable of imitating Andrew Tate and then willingly refusing to do so. For what could be less admirable than a man who publicly makes performative utterances against the villain while living vicariously through his exploits?
Kaczyński urged Poles to take responsibility for the unique role they play in staving off the destructive ideologies of the West, warning them they “must be counter-revolutionaries” if they “do not want to be the West.”
How did we get here? As Trueman explains it, three intertwining concepts and their origins must be understood to grasp our current culture: expressive individualism, the sexual revolution, and our social imaginary.
Many of the architects of the sexual revolution made their case for the abuse of children openly, and they were embraced by the elites, lionized by the press, and heralded as courageous thinkers.