German Greens Advocate “Women Only” Train Carriages
Increasing sexual violence on public transport prompts misdirected proposal from collapsing governing coalition partner.
Increasing sexual violence on public transport prompts misdirected proposal from collapsing governing coalition partner.
Pornography is normalizing dangerous and degrading sexual behavior.
The details of the incident were made public by police a month later, amid escalating concern over wave of migrant sexual violence.
The far left is accused of having encouraged antisemitism for months.
It is cruel to demand that women accept their own demotion and dehumanization to avoid offending the cross-dressers in charge.
The suspect, identified only as ‘Samir B,’ confessed to the crimes but was still released pending sentencing.
Left-liberal leaders express concern the crime could be ‘exploited’ by the Right.
Foreign nationals, which compose some 13% of the population, were drastically overrepresented in the figures, with records showing that nearly half (47%) of alleged perpetrators did not have a German passport.
Paris metro operator RATP has announced it will create “safe spaces” for victims of sexual assault and gender-based violence as the Paris metro system remains plagued by sex attacks, theft, and acts of violence.
The attempted classification of rape as a ‘non-emergency’ would be shocking in any Western democracy; but in 21st-century Britain, the home of Magna Carta, it now appears the right to justice is too much to ask.