Scotland: No Country for Young Men
Police Scotland will target young men with “with ideas about white-male entitlement” under the new Hate Crime Act.
Police Scotland will target young men with “with ideas about white-male entitlement” under the new Hate Crime Act.
Almost all secondary schools are telling children they can identify as a different gender.
When a Christian politician dares to deviate from progressive morality, tolerance goes out the window.
Some say the campaign to break Scotland away from the UK is “dead for a generation.”
Opponents have joked that the SNP leader will be remembered as “Humza the Brief.”
Scottish conservative nationalism is a reaction to the ‘progressive’ politics of the Scottish Government.
There is no conservative tradition in Scotland that is not self-consciously anti-nationalist.
Parents who refuse to let their children ‘transition’ could potentially face seven years in jail.
However, First Minister Humza Yousaf’s offer was not all that it seemed.
A pro-UK Scottish writer told The European Conservative that the SNP could return to being a “fringe party,” which would have massive implications for Scottish independence.