The Dilemma That Conservatives Ignore
If conservatives ever wish to be relevant and make any lasting difference in the real world, they need to understand the welfare state.
If conservatives ever wish to be relevant and make any lasting difference in the real world, they need to understand the welfare state.
Unlike Black Lives Matter, the protesters outside the Democratic Party convention are formulating a broad policy agenda. And they have already influenced the convention itself.
It is the conservative instinct which is, at root, the more Christian.
The further the elite pushes its contempt for the American working class, the more they feel morally entitled to stop Trump from returning to power. By any means necessary.
We will only be able to get ahead with a free market, a smaller state, and by giving facilities to the individual.
The New Right must be careful when playing up the populist rhetoric, lest it fall into Marxist dialectics.
Irish cultural identity has been reduced to athletic prowess, drink, rebel songs, and revolutionary grievances.
Leftists who claim Orwell as their own would likely be surprised to discover that he was very socially conservative.
Senator Bernie Sanders, a devout socialist, wants the Democrat party to make a left turn in the next election. Do the Republicans have what it takes to oppose them?
When socialists tell us what their ideology is all about, we had better listen.
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