Spain Extends Euthanasia Law To Include the Mentally Ill
The Sánchez government will change its assisted suicide guidelines, going against a Constitutional Court ruling.
The Sánchez government will change its assisted suicide guidelines, going against a Constitutional Court ruling.
The bill also wants to stop government advertising going to non-approved outlets.
The university is offering the course despite the practice being illegal in Spain.
Investigators uncovered factory for creating forged documents, including passports and bank cards.
Despite expectations, her ‘Sumar’ alliance underperformed, winning just three seats.
Right-wing VOX and new anti-establishment party also gained ground in EU elections.
In a fiery debate before the EU elections, Buxadé accused Spain’s governing socialists of being allied with Hamas and Iran.
The father of a three-month-old boy confronted Spain’s government-sponsored “woke” comedian in real life over obscene online comments.
Spain’s ‘black market’ in residency registration to access social benefits has been tied to rising sexual assault.
More than half of Spaniards think the PM should resign or face more questioning.