Is ESG Dead, or Just Getting Rebranded?
What does BlackRock CEO’s weariness regarding the ESG label signal for the nexus of global finance and political elites?
What does BlackRock CEO’s weariness regarding the ESG label signal for the nexus of global finance and political elites?
The new enclosures and ‘fourth industrial revolution’—with its counterfeit morality, its saccharine pseudo-ethical appeals to inclusivity and saving the planet—may not need a large force, but they do need a disciplined, dependent population.
Sanchez announced that he will be donating €130 million—courtesy of the country’s taxpayers—to The Global Fund.
Slowly, but surely, the first social credit score systems are being introduced in Europe. But rather than being met with outrage, there seems to be a remarkable indifference among many Europeans. Did the rules of social media condition us to embrace such systems?
World order will tend to follow its own momentum. Rivals to U.S. hegemony like China do not, therefore, represent an alternative world-order, but an alternative bid for leadership over developing structures of biopolitical control.