Traditionalism and Conservatism Thriving Among Young U.S. Catholic Priests
While Pope Francis pushes back against traditionalists, progressive-minded priests are dwindling in American seminaries.
While Pope Francis pushes back against traditionalists, progressive-minded priests are dwindling in American seminaries.
Event signals Synodal Path’s open defiance of the Vatican
The decision by the archdiocese comes at a time when progressive elements are gaining more and more influence within the Catholic Church in Germany.
According to Cardinal Gerhard Müller, if the Church is to recover the salvific message of Christ, it must renounce the German Synodal Path, theories of “papal autocracy,” and transhumanism.
With this gesture, the Belgian episcopate replaces prayers for the return of homosexuals to lives that conform to the Catholic faith with a deliberate policy that sanctions gay unions, to be implemented liturgically.
Members of this ‘Synodal Path,’ a group made up of equal numbers of German bishops and lay Catholics, have called for allowing priests to be married, women to become deacons, and same-sex couples to receive the Church’s blessing.
Whether or not this document is truly representative of current opinion among French Catholics is largely questionable. Not only did very few ordinary laity take part, but those who did are not a reflection of all churchgoers.
The signatories insist on the deleterious impact of the German approach on the whole Church. Other countries could follow the German example, misunderstanding the meaning of “synodality,” and thus deeply undermine the unity of the Catholic Church, setting it firmly on the road to schism.
Deep-rooted internal divisions among the Catholic Church’s upper echelons have been revealed as Scandinavian and Polish prelates have expressed deep concern over the radical, secularly progressive direction of Germany’s ‘Synodal Way.’
On January 5th, 6,000 German Catholics sent a petition to Pope Francis to express their opposition to the “synodal path” taken by the German Bishops’ Conference.