Germany: Migrant Released After Attacking Christian Pensioner Goes on To Assault Nine
The Syrian had a history of violent crime and was first convicted in 2017.
The Syrian had a history of violent crime and was first convicted in 2017.
The details of the incident were made public by police a month later, amid escalating concern over wave of migrant sexual violence.
The South African man who identifies as a woman was arrested at a nearby market after complaining to police about ‘transphobic’ language.
There is no end in sight for Western sanctions against Damascus as Syrian Catholic bishops warned that the current restrictions were hampering aid efforts and endangering Syrian Christians.
At last, we’re talking about one of our own. At last, this counter-society that we laboriously try to preserve against the ill winds of progressivism is enjoying the limelight.
A Syrian refugee who lived in Sweden for ten years stabbed six people, including four children, at a French park after being rejected for asylum in France just days prior.
Counter terrorism police conducted raids in the port city of Hamburg and Kempten, and found the Syrian Islamist planning to manufacture a suicide vest.