Euros & Dollars: Trump Wants To End the Income Tax
With a record of radical tax reform, Trump could indeed end the income tax. But the road to such a reform is filled with bumps. Here are three of them.
With a record of radical tax reform, Trump could indeed end the income tax. But the road to such a reform is filled with bumps. Here are three of them.
Joe Biden wants the ‘rich’ to pay their ‘fair share,’ but he never defines what the ‘fair share’ means. There is an ominous reason for that.
In a not-too-subtle dig at the MR party, the sole holdout among all seven coalition partners, Belgium’s Finance Minister said that “today we must conclude that not everyone is able to leave their trench and to show the courage to make decisions in the interest of all.”
The best way to understand the thought leadership behind Hungary’s economic success is to examine the 2016 tax reform, which created perhaps the simplest and most ingenious small-business tax in the world.
At the top of their list of priorities is a tax reform with a more generous general exemption for all taxpayers and steeper marginal income taxes.