Euros & Dollars: France Deserved Its Downgrade
Unless the French political leadership does something radical, more downgrades are coming.
Unless the French political leadership does something radical, more downgrades are coming.
Combined with elevated unemployment, a stagnant economy spells trouble for the Lithuanians. To drop a package of tax hikes into this mix is to play with fire.
If Congress decides to compensate NATO for insufficient European funding, they may have a run-in with the investors on the market for U.S. government debt.
Campaigners say government policies are failing families.
Opposition leaders say the Conservative’s mission to grow the economy is “in tatters.”
Inspired by similar protests around Europe, tractors and trucks fill the streets of Bucharest.
Critics agree that foreign funding should be banned, but say German Muslims should fund their own mosques.
Outraged by his coalition’s tax burdens, farmers confronted Robert Habeck, who fled the scene in a ferry.
In a nefarious attempt to grab power, the EU keeps pushing for its own tax revenue—and to be allowed to spend a lot more money.
Ahead of the European elections, Belgium is pushing a tough federalist line.
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