French Elections: Is “Civil War” Looming?
Emmanuel Macron is betting on panic and fear of the extremes in hope of hanging on to power.
Emmanuel Macron is betting on panic and fear of the extremes in hope of hanging on to power.
Who needs Hell when you have Davos?
The circumstances in Slovakia demand steady leadership, ideally with support from the populace.
The independent economist Ľudovít Ódor is the third Slovakian Prime Minister to have his mandate revoked by political scheming in two years.
So long as the Bank of England is entrusted with as much power as it has assumed for itself—it matters little whether the prime minister is Boris Johnson, Liz Truss, or even Margaret Thatcher.
After Ursula von der Leyen threatened Italians not to vote conservative prior to the election on Sunday, high ranking EU politicians on the Left continue to make their disapproval of the election results heard.
For the last seventy years, agricultural policy in Europe and elsewhere has been driving efficiency and increased production, much to the detriment of societal and environmental health. But not all the blame rests on the shoulders of the technocrats. They weren’t the ones who started the revolution that made Spanish farmer Artero cry.