EU Plots 36% Tariff on Chinese Electric Cars
Despite Brussels’ perennial feuding with Elon Musk, there will be concessions for any Teslas manufactured in China.
Despite Brussels’ perennial feuding with Elon Musk, there will be concessions for any Teslas manufactured in China.
In unfavorable temperatures, the range of EVs could drop by 20%.
Militants say they were targeting Elon Musk’s “techo-fascism.”
Houthi piracy starts piling pressure on European supply chains.
U.S. auto makers warn that the Environmental Protection Agency’s car emissions plan is overly optimistic.
Car manufacturers are producing electric vehicles faster than buyers want them.
Tesla is scoping out the potential to open a major electric car manufacturing facility at a disused French nuclear plant.
Volkswagen and Hyundai announced plans to shift production to the U.S.; now Audi CEO Markus Duesmann also projects moving operations to America.
Numerous commentators pointed out the ironic aspect of her act of virtue signaling. One commentator noted VW’s history with using Jewish forced labor during World War II.
Once Tesla obtains final approval to open the Berlin factory, it plans to roll out 500,000 vehicles per year, including Model Ys which would replace the ones imported from China for sale on the European market.