Political Polarization, Same-Sex Marriage, and Religious Liberty
A relativistic approach to polarization, however seemingly tolerant, ultimately encourages us to disregard others and idolize ourselves.
A relativistic approach to polarization, however seemingly tolerant, ultimately encourages us to disregard others and idolize ourselves.
In their zeal to defend abortion at all costs, governments are beginning to criminalise silent thought. Their efforts must be resisted.
If the Right does as well in the European elections, American conservatives might find that they have a critical mass of allies in Europe.
Hendrick Cremer claims that the AfD represents a resurgence of Nazi thinking. His argument is unconvincing.
Russkiy Mir is a heretical national theology that expresses a mythical, teleological understanding of Russia.
In spite of all the apparent counterevidence, we Christians must support political pluralism because of our faith and our experience.
Ultimately, the founding and the success of the State of Israel can only be described in religious terms: the flourishing existence of today’s Israel is a miracle.
To understand this case, it is helpful to read this passage carefully. It shows how counter-cultural the Bible can be for 21st century Westerners.
Given these facts, today’s wokeist global governance project turns out to be anything but a benign program to improve humanity’s lot around the globe. Instead, it is an unlimited power grab to define truth and justice, under the banner of ‘universal human rights.’
Thankfully, the authors of the European Economic and Financial System plan had the wisdom to include an executive summary. After all, there’s no way anyone’s going to read the whole thing. And we don’t have to read the whole thing because it’s obvious. As we all irresistibly jump on the bandwagon, we will learn that planned capitalism is the answer.