UK Tories Made Interns Complete ‘Privilege Walks’
As one writer put it, the party of Thatcher and Churchill has been “woke-captured.”
As one writer put it, the party of Thatcher and Churchill has been “woke-captured.”
The Tories are thinking only about rehabilitation, with no consideration of deterrence.
Law could make it a crime for parents to dissuade their children from ‘changing genders’
Government officials are using heavy-handed imagery to justify weak-willed action.
Nigel Farage’s former political vehicle appears to have polished up its act.
A smoking ban proposal tells you everything you need to know about this nominally-conservative government, which quite frankly dishonours the name it fails to live up to.
If what I am imagining to be Farage’s strategy is successful, he will have pulled off the most dramatic internal regime change in the history of the Conservative Party.
This week’s Tory conference did nothing to shake my conviction that there is little conservative about the Conservative Party.
Witnesses said the man, whose intervention was nothing more than a passionate chunter, “did not cause any major disruption.”
The Tory leader is trying to consolidate support for his premiership, but everybody else seems to be asking: “Who’s up next?”