Shaky Compromise Ends Ordinations Ban in French Diocese
Under the guise of appeasement, the war against the traditionalists continues unabated.
Under the guise of appeasement, the war against the traditionalists continues unabated.
The greatest Catholic writers of the 20th century drew on the deep riches of the liturgy to speak to the secular age.
If the human factor determines the chances of preserving a fragile tradition, it is also the factor that can condemn it to extinction.
A choice of diversity and openness—to use concepts that should be in vogue—has worked to reverse the aging trend in apostolic vocations in Bishop Rey’s diocese. But the decision from Rome proves that the Pope, and he alone, determines what passes for diversity and openness.
From the bell preceding the priest’s entry, I was as engaged as I had ever been in any Mass.
The subject of these pages is, in a broad sense, religious—Catholic—traditionalists. Yves Chiron also explains why being a ‘traditionalist’ is not exactly the same as being a ‘traditional’ Catholic.
The delegation had requested a private audience, which was not granted. Nevertheless, as the Pope thanked the crowd in various languages, he publicly mentioned the presence of La Voie Romaine association by name.
It is noticeable that many of the book’s Anglophone contributors are almost bewildered by the sudden papal attack on the traditional liturgy. This is a shortcoming of the Anglo-centric perspective, which underestimates the depth of the antipathy towards the Apostolic Roman Rite amongst many non-Anglophone bishops.
Fr. Bryan Houghton has an enduring message, which remains relevant for the Church and for society in the West today: “tradition is not nostalgia for the past but precisely the transmission of one’s inheritance to the future.”
If we want to convince the Pope of the merits of the traditional Mass, it is essential to share our experience. La Voie Romaine is also an opportunity for us to express, for ourselves and for others, the reasons for our attachment.