Record Attendance at the Chartres Pilgrimage: What’s Next?
The pilgrimage has gone from being of interest only to a handful of traditionalist Catholic community media to arousing the curiosity of major national outlets.
The pilgrimage has gone from being of interest only to a handful of traditionalist Catholic community media to arousing the curiosity of major national outlets.
The Chartres pilgrimage raises legitimate questions that the prelates cannot shirk.
Despite the restrictions imposed on traditional liturgy by the Vatican, attendance has never been so high, forcing the organisers to close the registrations.
The delegation had requested a private audience, which was not granted. Nevertheless, as the Pope thanked the crowd in various languages, he publicly mentioned the presence of La Voie Romaine association by name.
It is noticeable that many of the book’s Anglophone contributors are almost bewildered by the sudden papal attack on the traditional liturgy. This is a shortcoming of the Anglo-centric perspective, which underestimates the depth of the antipathy towards the Apostolic Roman Rite amongst many non-Anglophone bishops.
Today we are far from understanding carnival, precisely because we live in a continuous carnival, a constant inversion of norms. But if revolution is a parody of carnival, the totalitarian control that follows is a parody of Lent—and we can already see those austere masts on the horizon.
If we want to convince the Pope of the merits of the traditional Mass, it is essential to share our experience. La Voie Romaine is also an opportunity for us to express, for ourselves and for others, the reasons for our attachment.
Senior clergy persistently talk about the primacy of ‘pastoral care,’ implicitly presenting themselves as exemplars. Now they refuse to extend such care to those who want nothing more than to worship God as did their forefathers in the Faith.
Archbishop Roche on the implementation of Traditionis Custodes: “What is important to realize now is that the Holy Father has spoken; the liturgical possibilities are in place; the challenge is to get on with it without licking one’s wounds when no one has been injured. “
The traditionalists’ response to the news—and implied impugnation—was irate. Various prominent commentators decried the move, some claiming it to be a petty attack by the Pontiff on faithful Catholics—already distressed by the pandemic-driven closing of church doors and growing economic uncertainty.