Ukraine Gives Russia the One-Finger Salute With Army Appointment
The appointment of an American transgender woman as a spokesperson of the Ukrainian Army highlights the government’s eagerness to comply with Western ‘values.’
The appointment of an American transgender woman as a spokesperson of the Ukrainian Army highlights the government’s eagerness to comply with Western ‘values.’
Young girls are told to shut their mouths and check their bigotry when they wonder aloud why they are being forced to change with biological men.
Women are facing many forms of reprisals—including censorship, loss of employment opportunities, loss of income, deplatforming, and threats of legal action—simply for daring to question the transgender movement.
Sutcliffe’s zealous defense of orthodox Christian teaching proved too much for the UK’s Teaching Regulation Agency to stomach.
Despite criticizing Ukraine for doing the same, the German SPD-led government’s new trans recognition law will prevent trans women from dodging the draft in the event of future mobilization.
“Anyone who stakes much on passing theories risks being terribly hurt,” the pastoral letter addressing gender transition reads, adding that “the point of the Church’s teaching is not to curtail love but to enable it.”
Cities that allow the most destructive of human behavior to take over the public space are cities where civilized life as we know it is being marginalized and forced to give way to social fragmentation. Dignity yields to savagery.
Meloni’s statements found support among prominent members of Italy’s LGBT community, including Cristina Gramolini, the president of the pro-lesbian and feminist association ArciLesbica.
Let us seek to banish Hermes and his associates back towards the margins where they rightly belong before the maenads one day end up coming for us all.
The vicar claims the “history of biblical interpretation is littered with the opinions of rich, white, straight, cisgender, able-bodied, neurotypical men.”