“Where Is the Escape Hatch?” Paul Kingsnorth’s Machine Age Survival Guide
“If the Brave New World points us towards the emerging total system, it also points us towards the alternative.”
“If the Brave New World points us towards the emerging total system, it also points us towards the alternative.”
Tyranny pretends to respond to higher, more advanced, imperatives, but they are, at root, an expression of an age-old libido dominandi.
Jan Bentz speaks to Fr. Michael Baggot about the unholy goals of the transhumanism movement.
That Apple thought this ad would make people desire its product tells you everything you need to know about who these people are, and what they want to do to us.
The medical-tech sector is trying to confer human rights upon a group who are seeking to disown their humanity.
If we do not wish for our reality to become a boundless, shapeshifting simulacrum, we may just need to rebuild the entire modern worldview from the ground up.
Speakers noted that there is a risk that the increasing push towards digital dominance will make European citizens not just less strong, but less free.
The greatest risk is that all human reproduction will be put in the hands of technology—that would be the end of the human being.
When firmly set within the framework of liberalism, human ‘progress’ is largely understood as the ongoing process of privileging technique and technological advancement to eliminate suffering—suffering chiefly seen as pain.
Against the transhumanist prophecy of plastic genderlessness, let us recover our own ideal for a future populated by the same righteous exemplars as the best of our past.