Tunisia Accused of Bussing Migrants to Illegal Departure Port
EU-Tunisia MOU aims to curb illegal migration in return for financial aid
EU-Tunisia MOU aims to curb illegal migration in return for financial aid
The Central Mediterranean route accounts for half of the illegal border crossings detected in 2023.
While the European Commission defended the deal as necessary, some MEPs questioned its efficacy, warning that Europe is facing collapsing regional prestige in North Africa.
The traffickers charged €2,400 per person for safe and comfortable travel, and only pretended to have found the migrants in rafts once they reached Italian waters.
The Italian prime minister has softened her anti-immigration rhetoric considerably in recent months, even stating that “both Europe and Italy need immigration.”
The partnership includes Tunisian commitment to stemming the irregular flow of persons into Europe, and could serve as a model for EU-African relations.
Italian PM Meloni, who spearheaded the agreement, said it should be regarded as a “model” for the EU to present to other North African governments that will be called upon to help to control mass migration out of Africa.
The Tunisian city of Sfax witnessed violent attacks against migrants as authorities and vigilante groups turned against African migrants following the death of a Tunisian man.
The 29-year-old criminal insisted that “not even the Prophet himself could prevent the Harka,” the name given to illegal immigration in Tunisia.
Ultimately, this serves Italy’s Mattei Plan, which seeks to invest in African energy infrastructure and promote employment, reducing the long-term desirability of Europe-bound migration.