Globalism’s New Mythology
“What kind of god?” asked Tucker Carlson as Joe Rogan described the possible replacement of humans by AI.
“What kind of god?” asked Tucker Carlson as Joe Rogan described the possible replacement of humans by AI.
The nature of the entire creation underwent a wholesale ontological mutation with the fall of Adam and Eve.
When it comes to UFO disclosure, the biggest worry is not the general public. They are resilient and will take transformative news with strides. Congress is a bigger problem.
“After this research I had a much more visceral, almost literal, sense of religion and religious practice.”
Instead of filling the void left by the loss of belief in truly extra-terrestrial beings—the angels and saints—with sci-fi inventions, we should strive to “re-enchant” the world with the content of Christian revelation.
Has the U.S. government had direct contact with aliens?
One day, a government official will announce that the stories are indeed true: his government has for decades been in possession of alien vessels and alien technology. That day will mark the beginning of the galactic era for humanity.
While a U.S. whistleblower reveals that her government is acting as a middleman in child trafficking, at least one European paper is more interested in the disclosure of the U.S. government’s involvement in reverse-engineering UFOs.
The U.S. government currently appears to be engaged in a slow-paced disclosure program. It is time for the rest of us to entertain the possibility that UFOs are extraterrestrial.