Poland: Standoff As Farmers Occupy Parliament, Protesting Green Deal
MEP says 150,000 signatures have been collected for a Polish referendum to reject the EU policy.
MEP says 150,000 signatures have been collected for a Polish referendum to reject the EU policy.
Speaking to The European Conservative, the EU’s agricultural commissioner warns that Brussels has to bypass Ukrainian agricultural oligarchs if accession is considered.
The soft turnabout reads more like electoral maneuvering than genuine concern for struggling farmers.
77% of Polish people support their farmers in largest protest to date against EU’s Green Deal and cheap Ukrainian imports.
Inspired by similar protests around Europe, tractors and trucks fill the streets of Bucharest.
Supporting the Ukrainian economy cannot come at the cost of undermining Central European farmers, interest groups say.
Eurocrats are going ahead with plans for a migration deal with Cairo, using Ukrainian grain as a sweetener.
“We were the first to do a lot for Ukraine and that’s why we expect for them to understand our interests.”
Tensions escalate ahead of elections in Poland and Slovakia
Zelensky is done playing Mr. Nice Guy.