British Barroom Chats Facing Government Regulation
Free speech, already on life support in the UK, would take a brutal blow if your local pub could kick you out for ‘wrongspeak.’
Free speech, already on life support in the UK, would take a brutal blow if your local pub could kick you out for ‘wrongspeak.’
Is Starmer more outraged by outlandish social media posts than by foreign rapists?
The Environment Secretary’s address at the Oxford Farming Conference was drowned out by blaring tractor horns and chants from protesters.
The UK elite seems to be more concerned with shielding its image and multicultural ideology than protecting working-class white girls.
The rape-gang scandal makes it abundantly clear that liberalism, as it has been practiced for decades in the West, is the suicide note of a civilization.
UK elites who deny the racial motive of the rape gangs have sacrificed vulnerable white girls on the altar of multiculturalism.
Labour leaves the case to local authorities with a history of shielding the perpetrators.
Commentators say these institutions should be banned, not just ‘regulated.’
Johnson’s demise represents the failure to consolidate a historic and lasting pro-worker, pro-nation consensus.
Woke is one of the most important developments of our age. It is upending culture and institutions, and remaking politics.