“The culture war is no sideshow; it is a fight for Western civilisation”: An Interview with Eric Kaufmann
Woke is one of the most important developments of our age. It is upending culture and institutions, and remaking politics.
Woke is one of the most important developments of our age. It is upending culture and institutions, and remaking politics.
The University of Amsterdam has been forced to close its doors for two days.
Many of those arrested at pro-Hamas protests have—unsurprisingly—turned out not to be students.
The cracked veneer of pro-Hamas rhetoric cannot hide the fact that the ongoing campus protests have taken on a life of their own.
Other colleges across the U.S. followed suit, with hundreds of students arrested.
After the school’s submission to the demonstrators, former Sciences Po students from the Left and Right protested against their school’s ideological evolution.
The abdication of the college faculty from the conflicts in Ukraine and Gaza has allowed virulent, openly anti-intellectual forces to hijack the protests.
Many students in the UK don’t believe in free speech and are prepared to take action to silence others.
Counter Wokecraft makes the case that woke strategies, “while tricky and manipulative,” are also “comprehensible, predictable, and able to be countered.”
University of Salford has removed sonnets from its creative writing program exams in a bid to “decolonise the curriculum,” since they “tend to be products of white western culture.”