WHO Convenes Emergency Committee Over New Monkeypox Outbreak
The novel strain, with a 3% fatality rate, has only spread in ten countries, but the WHO is already calling for global “surveillance” to prevent another pandemic.
The novel strain, with a 3% fatality rate, has only spread in ten countries, but the WHO is already calling for global “surveillance” to prevent another pandemic.
Defrauding the Swedish government makes gangs twice as much money as their drug trade.
In response to a new COVID variant, some experts in the British medical sector support the private purchase of vaccinations.
Another 120 million soon-to-be-expired doses, worth €4 billion, are on track to be disposed of by the end of the year, as the EU Commission continues to be unable—or unwilling—to meaningfully revise its vaccine procurement contracts.
The parliamentarians voted against the government’s advice—advocating for a mere suspension—in favour of a pure and simple repeal.
Federal police, on May 5th, searched Bolsonaro’s home, seized his cell phone, and arrested six of his former collaborators.
“I have seen all those reports on the internet about fit and healthy people just dropping down with health issues,” said Today host Karl Stefanovic, as Canberra recommends a fifth COVID shot.
The conflict between those who are vaccinated against COVID-19 and those who are not threatens societal cohesion as a new socio-political cleavage, and the vaccinated clearly seem to be the ones deepening this rift.
Meloni’s government has turned the page on COVID-19: as of November 1st, the obligation to wear masks in hospitals, clinics, and diagnostic centres will be over.
Denmark is the first country to announce that booster shots will not be offered to the general population under age 50.