Former EU ‘Values’ Chief Complains About “Infectious” Spread of Anti-Woke Laws in Europe
Brussels’ ideological bullying doesn’t seem to produce the desired effect.
Brussels’ ideological bullying doesn’t seem to produce the desired effect.
Bratislava warned against passing ‘foreign agents’ law—despite Brussels preparing to do the same.
Other EU efforts to control narrative include ‘hybrid rapid response teams’ ready to counter unwanted campaigns and ‘hybrid threats’ in member states.
Transparency chief on “democracy tour” to fight the ‘undemocratic’ beliefs of a majority of Europeans.
Dismantling the previous conservative government’s work is considered sufficient to unlock Poland’s frozen funds and end its ‘rule-of-law’ dispute in just a few months, according to the Commission.
MEP Milan Zver has filed an official complaint after requests for information about murky meeting between Věra Jourová and president of Slovenian constitutional court judge have gone unanswered.
The EU’s new ethics body to oversee corruption in Brussels “will not be toothless,” Commission VP Jourová promised, before having to admit that the agency won’t have real authority to hold Eurocrats accountable.
“Twitter has chosen the hard way, they chose confrontation,” Commission VP Věra Jourová said, promising vigorous enforcement of EU law and a hefty penalty if Twitter’s compliance is deemed insufficient.
Commission VP Věra Jourová urged that AI-generated information be labeled as such, and that restrictions be put on AI technology from being used to generate disinformation.
Those previously hailing the reform as a step against right-wing populism are now flustered by the notion that they too will undergo the same scrutiny of their revenue sources.