Orbán: Migrants Open Fire on Hungarian Border Guards
Violent border attacks by migrants increasingly common
Violent border attacks by migrants increasingly common
The violence is being fuelled by the mosques, with explicit calls for murder being broadcast from the loudspeakers of Muslim worship buildings, calling on local people to “go out and kill” Christians.
The announcement was a response to the stabbing of a 29-year-old outside a Champions League qualifying game in Athens on August 7th.
Growing insecurity and high levels of anti-Christian attacks have become an increasing problem in France.
“It is important to provide [members] with techniques to protect themselves and their companions in an emergency,” AfD youth said.
Anti-Christian violence is on the rise in Israel, particularly in the Old City of Jerusalem, with churches being vandalised and clergy members assaulted and spat upon.
The minister of the interior chose to resolutely back the forces of law and order and highlighted the massive support they continue to receive from the French people.
The movement, which started in Marseille, is now spreading across the country. “It’s not a movement of anger but rather one of disgust,” a member of an influential police union explains.
Berlin’s swimming pools have become centres of violence by youths described as being mostly from migrant backgrounds as the local city government and even the German federal government have vowed to take measures against the perpetrators.
London police have re-opened an investigation into trans activist Sarah Jane Baker after a call to violence against feminists over the weekend from the former prisoner who was sentenced for kidnapping and attempted murder in the past.