Tunisia Begins Migrant Pushback to Libya Following Week of Clashes
The Tunisian city of Sfax witnessed violent attacks against migrants as authorities and vigilante groups turned against African migrants following the death of a Tunisian man.
The Tunisian city of Sfax witnessed violent attacks against migrants as authorities and vigilante groups turned against African migrants following the death of a Tunisian man.
The riots, which took place just days after the whole of France was engulfed in race riots for six nights, highlight how anti-police agitation and ethnic conflicts are a tinder box across Europe.
President Macron received a delegation of 220 mayors at the Élysée Palace, from communities hard hit by the violence of recent days or having themselves been direct victims of the violence.
In six nights, the rioters have already caused over €1 billion worth of damage.
Rioting in Lille has been a surprisingly multiracial affair as white ultra-left radicals capitalised on the chaos on the streets to pursue a vendetta against the Macronist state while nationalists sit in wait.
France’s territorial intelligence stated Thursday that they believe the rioting is likely to spread to even more areas as authorities fear that far-left extremist groups will seize the opportunity to add to the violence against police.
“The images of a little girl and her grandmother attacked in broad daylight in Bordeaux are unbearable,” Marine Le Pen said. “How many videos like this does it take for the power to react?”
The history of early June is steeped in violence.
During an otherwise peaceful demonstration in support of Belgium’s healthcare workers, it appears that one officer attempted to hit chairman Tom Van Grieken in the face, while a fellow MP claimed she had been kicked by another policeman after having fallen to the ground.
UK authorities have yet to announce a possible motive, but stabbing attacks and vehicles used as weapons are common in terrorist attacks in the UK and elsewhere in Europe.