On Advancing a Conservative Aesthetics
The flickering torch illuminating the pathway towards the True, the Good, and the Beautiful must not expire on our watch.
The flickering torch illuminating the pathway towards the True, the Good, and the Beautiful must not expire on our watch.
It is as if, in the boomer-con’s mind, liberalism is a ‘nice principle’ that ought to temper the ‘nasty but necessary principle’ of conservatism. Young-cons, however, don’t identify liberalism with niceness at all.
Evil leadership is no leadership at all. Nor is insane nor stupid leadership either. So let us look at their opposite qualities, which in fact define real, true leadership.
Opinions will always differ on what best approximates the common good and on the utility of law as an agent of virtue in any particular case. But to imitate the liberal silence on such crucial questions is to invite radical neo-Marxists to answer them for us.
The geezer is self-assured because he is humble. He believes in moderation in all aspects of his behaviour without feeling entitled or engaging in excessive introspection.
The novel is compelling (even spellbinding at times)—and if it is called antiquated, it is only because we have forgotten that the oldest human battle is the worthiest one: the battle to achieve and maintain virtue in a fallen world.
Once we have firmly established truth and beauty as the foundations of our educational efforts, we can start with undertaking the first and most difficult task in the educational adventure of making visible the hidden seed: character formation.
The manipulations of the Left are easy to avoid if one does not try to prove one’s virtue using social media.