“We are on the right path and things are changing for the better”: An Interview with Filip Dewinter
“A lot of these new populist parties which are now on the rise throughout Europe do not have enough of an ideological background to be successful.”
“A lot of these new populist parties which are now on the rise throughout Europe do not have enough of an ideological background to be successful.”
Farmers rallied outside the planned site of a chemical plant in eastern Antwerp, which protestors say underlines the government’s double standards when it comes to nitrogen emissions for big business.
During an otherwise peaceful demonstration in support of Belgium’s healthcare workers, it appears that one officer attempted to hit chairman Tom Van Grieken in the face, while a fellow MP claimed she had been kicked by another policeman after having fallen to the ground.
The sole reason is to get more leftist votes, MEP Tom Vandendriessche told The European Conservative, but added that the youth might no longer be as susceptible to the progressive messages as Brussels thinks.
“In Italy we can clearly see what happens when the Right comes together. And when Right parties compromise with one another and present themselves to the electorate, you see that quite clearly, they gain an absolute majority.”
Support for Erdoğan was unusually strong in Belgium where 85,000 residents participated in the first round of voting.
The political winds have changed. In the wake of President Macron raising the retirement age from 62 to 64, his already dismal approval ratings and popularity have sunk even lower, as two recent surveys reveal.
In an age of increasing polarisation, the debate in Belgium proves that it is possible to discuss sensitive subjects despite their controversy.
The fact that Vlaams Belang is the largest party in successive polls offers unprecedented opportunities, including the formation of a right-wing government in Belgium, like in Italy, MP Filip De Winter told The European Conservative.
Vlaams Belang Chairman Tom Van Grieken’s name came up third in the list of those politicians by whom the Flemish feel best represented.