Majority of Ukrainians Blame Zelensky for Government Corruption
There are no more valid excuses for a government who fails to take action to eliminate abuse and combat negligence.
There are no more valid excuses for a government who fails to take action to eliminate abuse and combat negligence.
Being unfit for service also allows some men to leave Ukraine and circumvent the general order that keeps men between 18 and 60 from leaving.
While China was present, Russia, importantly, was not, casting doubt on the future viability of the initiative.
Just days after claiming to have been tortured in jail and wanting to escape Ukraine to seek political asylum in Hungary, Chilean-American blogger Gonzalo Lira has allegedly been rearrested by Ukrainian security forces.
Almost one-and-a-half years since the start of the war, experts suggest that fighting may continue for years on end, resembling World War I.
In a presidential decree issued Friday, July 23rd, that came following rare public criticism of Zelensky, Vadym Prystaiko was removed from his positions as Ukraine’s ambassador to the UK and as Ukraine’s envoy to the International Maritime Organisation.
The United Kingdom—and with it its international allies—“are not Amazon,” he declared, judging Ukraine’s constant demands for arms shipments to be somewhat excessive.
In contrast to the previous day, when NATO accession was denied to him, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky expressed satisfaction with the new, multi-year pledges made by G7 countries. “The security guarantees are an important development as we move into NATO, this is very important,” he said.
NATO has entirely subsidized the defense of Zelensky’s country, even to the point where the U.S. doesn’t have enough artillery shells to defend itself if attacked.
Ukraine gets no NATO invitation, but is allowed to skip the waiting list in the future while allies pledge billions of military aid; France commits long-range monster missiles; Turkey bags fighter jet sales; and the U.S. explains morally questionable choices.