America’s Moral Victory Over the War Machine
After years of vitriolic hatred against Trump, can the neocons now please just shut up and let Trump build the future our kids need?
After years of vitriolic hatred against Trump, can the neocons now please just shut up and let Trump build the future our kids need?
‘Future war’ novels are enjoyable if approached in the proper spirit and read as escapist literature.
Americans all over the country have rejected the old Republican politics. They want Trump because he cares about them, not about lining corporate and lobbyist pockets.
Berlin’s secret wargame exercise ends with NATO mobilizing 300,000 troops to defend its eastern flank by next May.
To the shame of Europe, the International Court of Justice at The Hague is now the theatre for a staged political show trial.
The German chancellor’s call comes despite his own reticence to send weapons to the beleaguered country.
“If we do not destroy Hamas, these savages will storm the streets of London, Paris, Barcelona, and Madrid.”
“The revolution in 1848 argued that national self-determination was the foundation of liberal democracy. The EU violates that. At some point, some countries will stand up and say, I’ll do without your money because I’m going to lose it anyway to the Germans.”
We should stand with Israel against genocidal Islamists, and for Western civilisation against the forces of barbarism, old and new.
Giving in to Hamas’ blackmail would only lead to more violence, Israel argues, but ramps up diplomatic efforts to free the two hundred hostages trapped in Gaza and largely forgotten by the West.
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