Shelling of Ukrainian Nuclear Plant Raises International Alarm
“This time a nuclear catastrophe was miraculously avoided, but miracles cannot last forever,” Energoatom warned.
“This time a nuclear catastrophe was miraculously avoided, but miracles cannot last forever,” Energoatom warned.
Russia supports Serbian claims that the existence of an independent Kosovo would have no historical validity—a parallel being easily drawn with Russian claims over Crimea in 2014 and now over Ukraine as a whole.
The wound of Algeria was quickly closed without being disinfected, and has continued to rot slowly ever since. It has weakened the French body politic, made sicker by Macron’s intervention.
Whereas prudence emphasizes political or reasonable action adjusted to particular and contingent circumstances, liberal progressivism like other forms of modern rationalism sees global problems only in terms of universal panaceas.
Patočka detests the World Wars. But there is, in them, a certain ‘divinity,’ a certain ‘saving potential,’ because—at the Front, as within the Church—‘all humans are equal before the face of the ultimate reality.’
What many globalist idealists cannot accept is that it is in man’s nature to love more strongly according to proximity. There are bonds that run deeply within the human heart and mind and are the center of community and cultures.
The dawn of Western civilisation carried a strong focus on martial arts. In a world where war often lurked around the corner, it was paramount that one should be able to defend oneself. In our times, war again haunts our continent. It may be time to rediscover our martial roots.
On April 7th, the EU Parliament voted to place an embargo on Russian oil, gas, and nuclear fuel, which was closely followed by a EU Commission ban on its coal exports. Meanwhile, the UN General Assembly suspended the country from its Human Rights Council.
War plunges us into the depths of the darkness inflicted by man; but it also allows us to resurrect eternal forgotten truths. Among them is the reality that women are the sanctuary of life.
Russia pointed to the neutrality status of Sweden and Austria as possible models for Ukraine. Kyiv, however, emphasised that “only Kyiv could design a system that would be acceptable to Ukrainians.