German Federal Network Agency Warns: “We Need to Save More Gas!”
Despite frost not having hit hard yet, Germans have been slacking in recent weeks in terms of saving gas.
Despite frost not having hit hard yet, Germans have been slacking in recent weeks in terms of saving gas.
The troubles of this winter may cause Europeans to search for leadership alternatives focused more on national interests. The politics of Hungary and Italy may spread across the continent, with a rise of conservative victories.
Will a renewed influx of Ukrainians, especially amid the ongoing fallout of Hungary’s energy crisis, test the limits of the Magyars’ generosity?
“It is quite possible that disaster relief will be needed within the EU,” EU Commissioner for Crisis Management Janez Lenarčič (EPP) warned.
Habeck warned that Germany is looking at an “extremely tense” situation in the coming months, saying that if Germans fail to reduce their gas consumption, we risk “not having enough gas this winter.”
A total of three leaks in the Nord Stream 1 and 2 pipelines have been discovered within 24 hours, leading investigators to suspect sabotage. Officials’ two main theories are that either Ukraine or Russia is responsible for the leaks.
At the beginning of the industrial revolution and into the 20th century, the Val de San Lorenzo became the epicentre of a modern light wool blanket industry. But globalisation and the invention of petroleum-based synthetic fabrics quickly sank the industry in the last decades of the past century.
Heating one’s home and water to more than 19°C and 60°C, respectively, may result in daily fines of up to 3,000 Swiss Francs and prison sentences up to three years.
With more than half of its nuclear power plants undergoing maintenance, France seems woefully underprepared to meet increased power demands in winter, which might make Paris the first major European capital this winter to experience blackouts.
Reading Sigrid Undset’s trilogy challenges readers to confront their own moral vacillations and need for constancy.