Mick Hume’s Democracy Watch column tracks the battles between the EU elites and the peoples of Europe.
Tarring farmers with the ‘far-right’ brush is a sure sign that the EU elites fear they are losing control of the political agenda.
The EU elites are not about to give up this year’s elections without a dirty fight.
To the shame of Europe, the International Court of Justice at The Hague is now the theatre for a staged political show trial.
Deserting Israel means abandoning our own democratic values and siding with barbarism against civilisation.
We should insist that it is not ‘far right,’ racist, or extreme to worry about the effects of migration in Europe today.
The United States and EU have left the Middle East’s only democracy isolated.
The Palestinian cause has become a fashionable pretext for all those who despise Western democracy.
Trying to suppress views we find repugnant is no solution at all; banning something is not the same as defeating it.
Israel’s President is right; if they lose, Europe’s next.
Whose side is Europe on in this existential war?
Reactions to elections in Poland and Germany show how Europe’s elites twist ‘democracy’ to mean whatever suits their interests
Reactions to the Hamas massacre show that we too have to fight for our democratic civilisation