The most striking thing left out of these conversations is that this baby was aborted at 8 months, and very clearly not for any medical reasons, nor because the child had any disability.
“It is our belief that after years of dominance, the Left is quite ill-prepared to face the rise of effective, professional, and conservative NGOs equipped with proper resources and people.”
“The rigour with which the Illegal Migration Bill is implemented will determine the extent to which it deters migrants from making the perilous journey.”
European countries are slamming the door one after the other on the 2030 Agenda and progressivism. If Spain were to follow this trend, it would be a huge blow for progressives.
FROM THE SUMMER 2023 PRINT EDITION: “Terrified of thoughts and ideas that the establishment has ‘outlawed,’ conservatives have completely internalized the ‘rules of the game’ that their enemy has imposed.”—Thierry Baudet
Important defence agreements were reached at the Vilnius summit, accompanied by a unanimous joint statement of support for Ukraine.
“We need to be patient, we need to be consistent, we need to be ideologically well-founded in what we do and what we say, and then we need to be patient. We would like to build up a more steady base that is ideologically convinced that we represent them, rather than just try to get the disenfranchised voters who are now unhappy with the current government.”
I believe that all national conservative parties must cooperate more to get a presence in their national governments and to establish an effective policy against mass immigration.
There’s nothing surprising in what France is living through, as those with eyes to see have been saying for decades. But nobody listened to them.
Ukrainians ask the international community, European countries, and the U.S. to pressure Moscow, because Russia is still not isolated from the civilized world, either politically or economically.
In this episode of our “Occasional Dialogues” series, Kurt Hofer interviews Patrick Deneen, professor of political philosophy at the University of Notre Dame. They discuss his new book, “Regime Change: Toward a Postliberal Future,” which Deneen says continues the themes of his 2018 book, “Why Liberalism Failed,” but with a constructive project in mind: he proposes a bold plan for replacing the liberal elite and the ideology that created and empowered them.
We need to think carefully about how to understand the modern world, how to deal with it, and how to introduce our children to it. The family can be a safe space to learn about these things.
Everyone feels safe in Poland. This is thanks to putting our territorial integrity above the ideological agenda promoted in Brussels.
“Unlike some, we do not wish to create a United States of Europe, but to preserve the constellation of great nations that together make up the bloc.”
The most important thing for Scruton was to show that beauty can lead us from worldly concerns to the most important themes of our lives.
The Finns Party are hoping that the second time will be the charm as they enter a new coalition deal with the centre-right this week after promising electoral results.
The fact that most of these groups carried out attacks in the last years of Francoism has meant that, years later, they have been sold to us with a romantic, anti-Francoist vision. Yes, they were anti-Franco, but they were also terrorists.
“You need to stick to your principles and keep telling the truth, and eventually, because of this, people begin to regain faith in politics and in political parties.”
In the first episode of ‘In Search of Europe,’ our new series on the history of European thought and philosophy, host Karl Gustel Wärnberg talks with David Lloyd Dusenbury.
“In Italy we can clearly see what happens when the Right comes together. And when Right parties compromise with one another and present themselves to the electorate, you see that quite clearly, they gain an absolute majority.”
Communism was based on a lie and that is why it failed and fell, so I hope it will be the same with the ‘woke’ ideology. The most important thing is to prevent harm and protect children and youth from these dangerous ideas.