Everyone feels safe in Poland. This is thanks to putting our territorial integrity above the ideological agenda promoted in Brussels.
“Unlike some, we do not wish to create a United States of Europe, but to preserve the constellation of great nations that together make up the bloc.”
The most important thing for Scruton was to show that beauty can lead us from worldly concerns to the most important themes of our lives.
The Finns Party are hoping that the second time will be the charm as they enter a new coalition deal with the centre-right this week after promising electoral results.
The fact that most of these groups carried out attacks in the last years of Francoism has meant that, years later, they have been sold to us with a romantic, anti-Francoist vision. Yes, they were anti-Franco, but they were also terrorists.
“You need to stick to your principles and keep telling the truth, and eventually, because of this, people begin to regain faith in politics and in political parties.”
In the first episode of ‘In Search of Europe,’ our new series on the history of European thought and philosophy, host Karl Gustel Wärnberg talks with David Lloyd Dusenbury.
“In Italy we can clearly see what happens when the Right comes together. And when Right parties compromise with one another and present themselves to the electorate, you see that quite clearly, they gain an absolute majority.”
Communism was based on a lie and that is why it failed and fell, so I hope it will be the same with the ‘woke’ ideology. The most important thing is to prevent harm and protect children and youth from these dangerous ideas.
“It has been the most successful marketing campaign of modern times because there is no country where the image of Che Guevara has not been seen. Even in Poland, a country that has suffered so much from communism, I have seen images of Che.”
A renewal of the European institutions is necessary, as they seem far removed from the real situations experienced by millions of Italians and Europeans.
A bomb of poverty has been hurled at the country by economic sanctions imposed by the West, Kiely says.
The idea that everyone must ‘invent’ their own identity creates too much social stress, too much discomfort. Perhaps we were freer and more comfortable when certain identity traits were already taken care of beforehand.
Our goal is to break free from our current system and to give rise to a political movement that won’t simply earn some seats in Parliament, but that will change Greece.
“If Europe was aware of Chat Control, the debate would be tremendous,” Pirate Party MEP Patrick Breyer asserts in this interview about mass surveillance, fundamental rights, and how to effectively combat child sexual abuse online.
If the big political parties do not change their policies on a wide range of issues, such as the green agenda, economic competitiveness, or migration, they will see the consequences at the 2024 elections.
“Throughout the world, work has lost its centrality: finance, real estate, land income, and consumption have formed the fragile foundations of an unsustainable economic system.”
Many intellectuals express deep admiration for Islam. Yet, they would be horrified if Muslim customs were imposed on them.
Can a historical-critical lens affect how we understand early Islam, and what it means to be a Muslim today?
Modernity, in its rebellion against Christianity, embarked on a path to ruin. Unless the spirit of modernity perceives itself as being in a place of need, hostility towards Christian values will continue.
“It’s civil servants running the county at the minute. With the politicians being out of office, the health service is way behind with operations and cancer treatments. It’s all because they can’t agree, and it all comes down to Orange (Protestants) and Green (Catholics).”