The former Prefect of the Congregation of the Doctrine of Faith, Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Müller, gave an interview to InfoVaticana in which he spoke freely about the recent consistory of cardinals held this past August. He also shared insights on other matters, such as the German Synodal Path and the Church’s attention to matters of ecology. As we reported in the past, Müller is an outspoken opponent of the LGBT-agenda, and has most recently criticized the Vatican for “abandoning” Cardinal Zen, who is currently on trial in China for alleged “collusion with foreign forces.”
In his latest interview, Müller praised the consistory for clarifying true Church teaching from general opinion on the role of the papacy. Contrary to popular assumption, the pope does not possess “an unlimited power of divine right over the entire church, as if the pope were a Deus in terris.” The cardinal stressed that such theories “contradict the entire Catholic tradition, and especially Vatican II,” adding that “the theory of the pope as an autocrat, borrowed from 19th century Jesuit theology, not only contradicts the Second Vatican Council but undermines the credibility of the Church with this caricature of the Petrine ministry.”
While the consistory may have clarified in this one area of the Roman pontificate, it failed to address “the burning issues, for example, the frontal attack on the Christian image of man by the ideologies of posthumanism and gender madness, or about the crisis of the Church in Europe.”
The Church, instead, chooses to talk more about topics such as ecology, rather than about Christ and his teachings. Müller offered an explanation for why man’s role in ecological survival has become so prominent: “In a world in which the meaning and goal of the human being are materially limited to temporary and transitory contents, it is easier to become interested as an agent of this program of a ‘New World Order without God’ (according to capitalist or communist readings).” The cardinal would rather see the Church teach that there is “no strict opposition between the eternal and spiritual goods, and the temporal and perishable necessities of life,” quoting Luke: “Seek rather his kingdom, and the rest will be given to you (Lk 12:31).”
On the topic of the German Synodal Path, Müller had little good to say: “One would not know exactly whether to speak of tragedy or comedy with respect to this event.” The texts that are being generated out of this branch of a wayward German Church have spread ideas “very abundant but not very deep” but which “do not deal with the renewal of Catholics in Christ, but with a surrender to a world without God,” said Müller. The core problem, Müller indicated, was relegating the gift of sexuality out of the realm of creative grace:
The only theme among all the themes is sexuality. However, it is not understood as the gift of God granted to human beings as created persons (in our masculine and feminine nature), from which the responsibility to participate as father and mother in the work of God’s Creation and the universal will of salvation for one’s own offspring derives, but as a kind of drug to numb the basic nihilistic feeling with the maximum satisfaction of pleasure.
He accused those cardinals who asked the pope to change Church teaching on sexual morality and homosexuality of “theological ignorance,” since “the pope has no authority to change the teaching of the Church, which is based on God’s revelation.”
Müller further explained that bishops are “called to the ‘teaching of the apostles’ in Sacred Scripture,” thus excluding “any new public revelation as belonging to the divine deposit of Faith.” Müller was quoting from the Dogmatic Constitution on the Church, Lumen Gentium.
When asked what motivates the forces behind the Synodal Path, Müller said that “many well-paid officials” in the German church “suffer” from the fact that the teachings of the Catholic Church “contradict mainstream belief.” Their response to this pressure has been to “project themselves as modern and follow the forefront of the science of psychology and sociology.”
These German bishops are so thoroughly committed to this cause that they are not satisfied with mere schism. “In their blind arrogance, they do not think of division, but of taking over the universal church,” according to Müller. “They claim a leading role in the universal church. [Their] goal is the transformation of the Church of the Triune God into a worldly welfare organization (NGO). Then we would have finally arrived at the ‘religion of universal brotherhood,’ that is, at religion without the God of revelation in Christ, without a Truth that reaches beyond finite reason, without Dogmas and Sacraments as necessary means of Grace for salvation, as described by the great Russian philosopher of religion Vladimir Soloviev in his writing A Brief History of the Antichrist (1899).”
To conclude the interview, Müller was asked what his expectations for the future of the Catholic Church were:
When one sees the megalomania of our politicians and ideologues from Beijing to Moscow and from Brussels to Washington, one cannot expect much good for the future of humanity. … We can only expect a true future for every human being in life and in death from God, who out of love gave his Son for the salvation of the world.
Müller also pointed critically to transhumanist tendencies when noting that
in a world in which men presume to be God, to create and redeem themselves (cf. the main counselor of the New World Order: Yuval Noah Harari, Homo Deus), Christians only have the testimony of the Word and, if necessary, of the blood, that only the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ is our Saviour, because he has defeated the world, its arrogance and its sin, and death as the price for sin.
Only when we do not worship ‘the beast’ from the bottomless pit (ungodliness), his statue, and his false prophet, do we attain life and dominion with Christ, which encompasses our temporal and eternal future. Because temporal and eternal death no longer has power over us (cf. Ap 20,6). We have peace of heart in the Son of God, who says to his disciples: “In the world you will have struggles; but have courage: I have overcome the world (Jn 16:33).”
A few days after this interview, Müller repeated his warning in a presentation at the World Congress of Families in Mexico, September 30th through October 2nd. In his discourse, “Man made in the image and likeness of God: a manifesto against anthropological nihilism,” the cardinal warned of “anthropological nihilism, which would have to end in the collective suicide of humanity.” He specifically named Yuval Noah Harari, who “as a historian,” according to Müller, “should know how quickly the vision of a divine superman can become diabolically inhuman.”