Europe is stuck in unending economic stagnation. Everything suffers, from family budgets to health care to green policies. But there is a way back to growth and prosperity.
The U.S. government is doing everything wrong with its finances. Its current debt management strategy is downright stupid. Are they trying to fabricate a fiscal crisis?
VOX’s program contains a battery of tax-cutting measures. In particular, it aims to incentivise family formation and child rearing by removing the tax burden on families.
With a little bit of bad luck, Europe could soon face rising inflation again. How can we stop it? Is the gold standard the answer? We explain why not.
America is not in a recession. But is one coming? We have the answer.
Regional elections in May signalled a deep concern in Spanish society about not only the social policies of Sánchez’s government but also its authoritarian slide.
A euro-zone membership would put Sweden on a fast track to a fiscal crisis like the one in the 1990s. That would be bad: the country cannot absorb the fallout from repeating its disastrous mistakes from back then.
Christine Lagarde, ECB president, opined that even small transactions using the digital euro should be subject to control.
How long can the South American nation withstand the onslaught from Washington and Brussels?
If Sweden were to join the euro, its economy would be less unstable, but more stagnant. The situation for Swedish households and domestic-oriented businesses would go from bad to worse.
The Act addresses the question of who owns and has the right to store and make use of non-personal digital data produced in the Internet of Things (IoT), and to the massive windfall such data can represent for industry.
Mercosur members agree on rejecting the EU’s environmental conditions, but are divided on allowing members to negotiate bilaterally to open up their market, as Uruguay is trying to do.
After six nights of rioting, it would appear that the movement is ebbing slightly. But this apparent return to calm should in no way be seen as a victory because, as in 2005, the fundamental problem still remains.
The Greek economy was almost destroyed because politicians prioritized the Greek budget deficit over the Greek economy, and because economists at the IMF were not properly educated.
The Greek economic disaster a decade ago was totally preventable. It was inflicted upon Greece by arrogant politicians and incompetent economists. If we learn its lesson, we can avoid similar disasters when Europe enters its next recession.
The rise of AfD to record highs of almost 20% has alarmed the established parties. In particular, the CDU is under pressure. Will AfD be able to enter East German governments for the first time?
A review of the economies of each of the 27 EU member states.
Apart from VOX, whose position as third largest party in the country and junior party in a future coalition with the PP is likely, a few more parties are worth mentioning.
A new economic forecast points with near certainty to a U.S. debt crisis in the near future.
It is dubious that Spain’s likely PP-led government will allow VOX to steer it away from its commitments to the UN’s 2030 Agenda, or away from acting like a slightly less ‘woke’ PSOE.
As farmers lead backlash against environmental regulations, the political Right is poised to capture their vote.
Little did we know that, by 2020, the pandemic was almost two decades in the making. The Sunday Times’ investigative report tells an incredible tale of American money, Chinese secrecy, and unrestrained human hubris.
There was a lot of media attention recently to Germany being in a recession. The only problem is that those who said so, were wrong. Here is why.
How is NATO going to respond to the problem with its rapidly depleting stockpiles of military hardware? They can’t spend more money.
Judging from the comments by central bank president György Matolcsy, Hungary could join the euro in 2030 or soon thereafter. Would such a membership be good for Hungary?
There are those who want to force humanity into ‘degrowth.’ That is a dangerous path to go down, and it is unnecessary. Our capitalist economy is becoming more and more efficient over time. In short, it is doing more with less.
Can the U.S. government and its allies prevent a determined group of countries from de-dollarizing and significantly hurting the U.S. economy in the process? How would de-dollarization be affected if the unthinkable happens and Russia wins in Ukraine?
The new debt-ceiling deal has its merits, but it also kicks the big spending reform can down the road. It also ignores the broader threat to the U.S. economy: de-dollarization. On that front, there is one event that could end dollar hegemony with one stroke of the pen.
Les Républicains wants to appear to be in tune with the state of French public opinion, which demands rigour and firmness in the management of immigration.
In 2022, a decade after Geir Haarde’s impeachment trial, Iceland is again amongst the most prosperous and peaceful countries in the world.